News & Updates

See what SPN is up to as we partner with school systems nationwide to care for the present and enable the future for all students

Statewide absenteeism and truancy summit in Shelby County

SHELBY COUNTY, Ala. (WBRC) - Over 300 educators from around the state of Alabama have gathered to figure out how to address chronic absenteeism and keep your kids in school. Since the pandemic, a rise in chronic absenteeism has created challenges for schools nationwide. Leaders with Attendance Works and the National Dropout Prevention Center said chronic absenteeism has doubled, which is why the summit focused on ways to bring students back to school.

National conference convenes education leaders around ‘future-focused schools’

Hundreds of education leaders from across the country gathered in Washington, D.C., last week for Successful Practices Network’s (SPN) 2024 Future-Focused Schools Conference.

New Orleans to Host 34th Annual National Dropout Prevention Conference

The National Dropout Prevention Center will be hosting its 34th Annual National Dropout Prevention Conference in the vibrant and culturally rich city of New Orleans from October 14-16, 2024.

New Video Series with Dr. Robert Peters

Future Focused Success for ALL Children Join Dr. Robert Peters for weekly insights from Educators and Administrators. These leaders are building strong Future-Focused cultures in their schools, and they're here to share what it looks, feels, and means for students. Each week, we'll bring you a fresh perspective on how to create a learning environment that empowers all students to succeed in the ever-evolving world.

Mississippi Department of Education Partners with National Dropout Prevention Center to Implement Statewide Truancy Initiative

Mississippi Launches Statewide Initiative to Combat Chronic Absenteeism

SPN Finalizes Future-Focused Schools Conference

Uniting the nation's most accomplished and innovative K-12 schools and districts

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