Achieve success by design, not by chance.

​If your organization, conference, or team needs some inspiration, SPN’s Keynoters and Thought Leaders have the chops to detail the research-backed needs of the future and pave the pathway for its success. Our experts are eager to share their experience in the areas of Innovation, Leadership, School Change, Career and Technical Education (CTE), Instructional Leadership, Dropout Prevention, Trauma Skilled Schools Model, and Literacy.

For booking inquiries or to learn more about our presenters, please send an email to


Bill D HP

Dr. Bill Daggett

Founder/Executive Chair
Dr. Robert Peters

Dr. Robert Peters

Senior Vice President & Chief Academic Officer
Ray McNulty

Ray McNulty

Senior Fellow for Thought Leadership

Consultants & Thought Leaders

Felecia Turner

Dr. Felicia Turner

Senior Consultant

Felicia Turner specializes in working with leaders and teachers to find innovative and sustainable ways to improve teaching, learning, and instructional practices. She has been serving urban youth as both a teacher and a leader since 1999. Felicia has presented at numerous local, regional, and international conferences. Audiences enjoy her humor and wit as she pushes boundaries and inspires teaching and learning to elevate to new heights. Prior to her time at the Successful Practices Network, she began her journey in education teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) students. Her passion for educating and equipping other educators propelled her into the following roles: Writing Coordinator, English Language Arts Instructional Coach, PK – 12 School Administrator, Grant Writer, District–wide Literacy Coordinator, District-wide Professional Development Coordinator, and Executive Coach. Ms. Turner also brings with her extensive experience in higher education, where she has served as a director of an alternative teacher certification program, coordinator of a summer youth program collaboration with the YMCA, and an adjunct professor. Ms. Turner’s accomplishments include co-authoring a writing curriculum, called “Paper, Pencils, Let’s Write!”

Linda J

Linda Jordan

Senior Learning Consultant

Dr. Linda Jordan has been a keynote presenter at conferences around the globe for topics based in neuroscience, effective instruction, curriculum, CTE and leadership. She holds Ed.D., MA, and BA degrees in education. Linda’s doctorate focused on neuroscience and how people learn. She has served as a teacher of preschool, college, and as an administrator, and has extended her participation beyond the classroom as a member of school and district groups that include leadership councils, school improvement teams, child study teams, district vision planning teams, and as a school board member. Linda served as curriculum coordinator for the proposed National Plus School project in Jakarta, Indonesia. Linda received the National Points of Light Foundation Award for Service Learning. She is a contributor to Service-Learning Flagship newsletter, AASA articles, Brain-Compatible Instruction for Young Learners in a Remote World, contributing author to “Finding Our Way: Reforming Teacher Education in the Liberal Arts Setting,” and author of “Exceeding Expectations II.”

John Gailer

John Gailer

Senior Consultant

Mr. Gailer is the Director of Professional Services for the National Dropout Prevention Center. He earned his Master’s Degree in Education from the University of Georgia and has more than 25 years of experience in youth development, specializing in supporting at-risk and third-culture youth. John has conducted leadership and team building workshops throughout the country at the local, regional, and national levels. He has served as a consultant in areas of program, intervention, and collaboration design. He has over 15 years of experience in higher education leadership, classroom instruction, and nonprofit administration. In his current role with NDPC, John designs professional learning experiences that impact educators and youth practitioners nationwide.

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